Enfield Lifesavers win medals at 2015 Australian Championships

Enfield Lifesavers win medals at 2015 Australian Championships

The 2015 Australian Pool Life Saving Championships was held in Hobart 16-18 January 2015.  Fourteen Enfield Life Saving Club members travelled to Hobart and competed in the Championships.

Congratulations to all our competitors on their incredible effort and outstanding results at the National Championships. All Enfield competitors did exceptionally well achieving personal bests in speed events – a terrific effort competing against the best in the country!

Several of our members proudly came home with medals. Aodhan Hannigan won Gold in U/19 Line Throw and Silver in U/19 CPR, Dominic Goodyer won Bronze in U/19 Line Throw, Stefanie Goodyer won Bronze in U/19 Line Throw, Mark Williams won Silver in U/16 Line Throw, Nikita McEwen won Silver in U/16 CPR and our Open SERC team (Simulated Emergency Rescue Competition) won Silver. Congratulations!

An outstanding effort by all members – we are very proud of you all and commend you on your effort, commitment and dedication to the sport.

Australian Pool Life Saving Championships 2014

Australian Pool Life Saving Championships 2014

Australian Pool Life Saving Championships (APLSC) were held in Canberra in January 2014. A large team from Enfield Life Saving Club competed in the Championships with several members achieving personal bests.

Well done and congratulations to all members who competed and contributed to a great experience for all competitors.

An exceptional effort from our  U/16 girls in the CPR, with three of our girls taking out Gold, Silver and Bronze! Our Open SERC team (Simulated Emergency Rescue Competition) was outstanding in winning Gold. Congratulations also to Troy Rackyleft for winning Gold and Silver in several events.